Casing and External Parts

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Casing and External Parts for the Panasonic Toughbook CF-19

Our catalog of CF-19 external parts includes OEM replacement port covers, palm rests, bezels, and more. These parts are critical for keeping your fully rugged laptop as durable as it was the day it left the manufacturer. Keeping the port covers and bezels in good condition is important for maintaining your IP65 rating for water and dust resistance.

You should know which generation of CF-19 Toughbook you own before shopping for parts. Having this knowledge can guarantee that you get what you need. If you need help determining which one you have, refer to our blog, Toughbook Model Numbers for Nerds.

Need Some Help Finding The Right Part?

Thanks to our extensive inventory, we have no problem locating CF-19 casing parts. The chances are that we have the part you are looking for in one of our parts units. Call our office at 302-659-2727 or fill out our tech support form for any help locating the parts you need.