Toughbook CF-33 parts

Finding the Right Part for Your Panasonic CF-33

We are diligently working on listing all of our available Panasonic Toughbook CF-33 parts. If you are looking for a part for your fully rugged CF-33 that you do not see, call our office at 302-659-2727. We will do our best to source one for you and give you the best price. Please note that this price does not include the shipping cost. 

In order to purchase our parts, we ask that you provide the unique model number from your CF-33 fully-rugged laptop. We need this information so that we can be 100% certain that you are getting the correct part for your computer. 

You can find the model number in one of two places. The first is on the bottom of the laptop on a sticker, and you can find the second after you boot it into BIOS. Once you find the model number, you can tell which MK you have based on the first character after the “CF-33” in the number. As of this writing, these are all of the potential options that the first character could be: 

  • MK1 - A / B / C / D / E / L / M / N / P / Q / V / W
  • MK2 - G / J / K / R / S / X / 1 / 2 / 3 

In our office, we currently have a CF-33 with the model number “CF-33AFYEJVM” in inventory. Based on this model number, the “A” after the “CF-33” means that it is an MK1. If you have any more questions about how Toughbook Model Numbers work, check out our blog. 

Where Do We Get Our CF-33 Parts? 

Often, we order a batch of used computers, or customers send their current computers in when they upgrade. Not every laptop that comes into our office lives up to our Grade A quality standards. Sometimes we run a Scratch and Dent special on some beat-up units, but most of the time, we set these units off to the side as parts units. 

These parts units help some of our rugged laptops earn that Grade A rating, or we offer them as used parts on our website. That being said, we have an abundance of parts in our inventory that are ready for immediate shipping. 

These parts for your Panasonic Toughbook CF-33 have been thoroughly inspected and certified by our technicians to ensure you get the best quality possible.