Toughbook CF-31 parts

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Replacement Parts For the Panasonic Toughbook CF-31

Our Panasonic Toughbook CF-31 replacement parts are in stock and ready to ship today. When ordering the parts you need, we require the full model number of your CF-31. This information helps us ensure you get the correct part for your CF-31. Keep in mind that not all Panasonic part numbers are created equal. Do not rely solely on the number printed on your part. That information is not reliable. You should always cross-reference your full model number and the generation of your CF-31. To learn more about your full model number, read our Toughbook Model Numbers for Nerds blog post. It offers more information about the model number and how you can determine the generation of your Toughbook. As a quick reference, here are the Generations of CF-31s. The first character after the “CF-31” in the model number determines which generation you have.

Panasonic Toughbook CF-31 Model Number Breakdown:

MK1 - A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H
MK2 - J / K / M / N / P / Q / R
MK3 - S / U / V
MK4 - W / X / Y
MK5 - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
MK6 - 6 / 7 / 8 / 9

For example, one of our in-stock CF-31s has the model number: “CF-31SFL031M” Based on the table above, this model number would be an MK3. 

Panasonic Toughbook CF-31 Upgrade Parts

We sell a variety of kits that allow you to add upgrades to your rugged laptop. For example, if your rugged laptop has the standard keyboard, did you know you can easily swap that keyboard with a Backlit chiclet keyboard or even the water-resistant rubber backlit keyboard? Another popular upgrade kit is the GPS kit. With this kit, you can add GPS capability, which can be used for turn-by-turn navigation, laptop tracking, and any other application where position is necessary. Installation is always easy; we even have step-by-step video walkthroughs on our YouTube Channel

Use our tech support form if you need any help figuring out what you can and cannot do for your specific model CF-31 Toughbook. Our expert technicians will help you find the answers you seek. 

Where Our OEM Parts Come From

All of our parts for the CF-31 are pre-owned; this means that we have removed these parts from rugged laptops that do not meet our quality standards. They are not cosmetically ‘Grade A.’ The cases may be cracked, the port covers may be missing, but the laptop works flawlessly. These units become ‘parts machines.’ All parts are tested, the screens are checked for blemishes, missing pixels, scratches, and the keyboards are tested by typing with all the keys to ensure they are not faulty. Even the system boards that we sell are put through rigorous component testing. All of this ensures you receive a quality, working part.

Ready to Order?

The good news is that all these parts are in stock and ready to ship today. You can order by using our secure online shopping cart or by calling 302-659-2727. Orders placed first thing in the morning will typically ship the same day.